Is there instruction manual for ortho adhesive ?
Yes, we can offer an instruction manual for ortho adhesive to every customer. The end-user manual is compiled by our skilled workers who are familiar with every part of the product and can proficiently operate the products as well. On the first page of the manual, there is a quick version of the instructions' catalog which describes every step of the installation in short. In addition, we have clear and detailed pictures exquisitely printed for better understanding of users. English version is commonly used for users now.

Denjoy Dental Co.,Ltd now has been a worldwide brand which features producing Endo motor. According to the material, Denjoy's products are divided into several categories, and endo devices is one of them. The raw materials utilized in the Denjoy Biological Materials are acquired from specialized suppliers. Processed by CNC machines, the product is highly precise. The product has the desired reliability. Using performance electrical components that are highly integrated, it has reliable and adaptable electronic systems. It will not easily cause any infection and microbial contamination.

Every member of Denjoy has sincerity and enthusiasm to ensure the most convenient service to our valued clients. Get price!
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