Denjoy dental consumables is manufactured complying to the regulations for bathroom products. From sizing formula preparation, moulding by grouting, rough shaping, drying, glaze spraying, to the firing stage, it is done in line with specific requirements.
Denjoy dental consumables is manufactured by advanced machinery. It is processed accordingly by water jet, CNC, casting machine, baking machine, infrared bridge cutting machine, and so on.
The manufacturing of Denjoy endo devices is sophisticated and requires much workmanship. The processes mainly include: raw materials inspection, sizing formula, ball milling, glaze treating, and sintering.
Denjoy endo devices is produced under full advanced machinery and equipment. It will be processed by precise CNC cutting machine, far infrared bridge cutting machine, electric oven, and the emery water knife.
Denjoy endo devices is designed based on the simplicity and functionality concepts. Every element in the bathroom or washroom such as interior style has been taken into consideration whether it matches with the product.
endo devices Not only has excellent alkali resistance, scrub resistance and color retention, but also has good breathing ability, which can ensure the rapid evaporation of water and keep the wall dry for a long time.